Why we lack a lot at waste management?

At eve,you go to the street of your local marketplace to enjoy some samosa and snack but that walk is troublesome due to garbage on pedestrian walk.
Cursing that corner you realize that near about the whole area is just like that.
Who to blame?
The other people which are different from us caused by educational background?
People responsible for this work?
We ourselves?
Or statement ,"India can't improve".

Well, it is a fused deed of all of us that acts just like the fire ants.
Actions are same and expanding with team work!!
Fire ants do that.
We 130 crore altogether proved ourselves together in  excellence of team work.
Team work in waste production and blaming!
Funny but the question is how to stop this team work.
The key may lie not in term 'garbage' but 'type of garbage'.
Organic,dry,electronic and moisture.

These garbage altogether dumped make the segregation work more complex for workers.
Over that moisture need to be eliminated to process garbage especially the dry ones.
And households make them a lot.You dump your pack of edible like a curd pack.
Similarly tonnes of them generated from your area makes work too complex.
The garbage segregation has to be done by defined street cleaners but going at that point the tonne of garbage is too complex to seperate.
So they are also confused.

So,how they are processed?
In elimination of moisture and waste management there are still no standards in India from government.
No standards thus no aim to get them.
There are attempts and start-ups available which are day to day working on it. 
But their attempt results a lot to contacts and links rather than a dedicated and fixed collaboration with any organization that is driven to work on it.
A lot of patented papers are available which can be worked upon but still solid waste management is under estimated.
These all works are hot spots of solid waste management but still aren't on large scale.

Over that in economy oriented country like us where what an entrepreneur seeks is profit.
So,they don't want to invest in technologies that can't give profit.
There are no profit based policies in this field so no one bothers to care.
Ultimately,this can be seen in industrial areas.
These produce and dump land are more vulnerable to effects and can be at a stage where the land in future will be damaged fully.
With that energy generation and waste management interlinking needs a vast base which is available at centres covering the whole state.

The whole approach of garbage elimination and processing needs a team work altogether .
Because an irresponsible approach at some point can damage the whole structure of solid waste management. You can segregate the moisture but your neighbour also needs to do that.
We don't need a dustbin but compact divisioned dustbin to dump the types of garbage

From garbage type mentioned dustbins at home to government policy and standard to work on it,all these attempts should be integrated to challenge solid wastes.

(The views are personal and inspired by a person who is working in the field.Comment your views for better and open discussion on it.)




  1. People have to change their habits regarding...otherwise nothing can be improved. It's not the fresh problem.

    1. Yes,but products should also be made regarding waste treament.

  2. As far as products are concerned I think taka tak can't be sold in paper wraps for that we need polyethene type wraps.. so if we neglect the products made and focus on habits the waste management is good instead of the present scenario


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